Seller FAQ

Q: Do Artmarks only fit hardcover books? 

A: No, Artmarks will fit most standard paperback and hardcover books. As well as notebooks, planners, even cookbooks. Artmarks may be worn on the spine or the cover of the book.

Q: Do you have net 30 as an option?

Yes, net 30 is available at checkout. 

Q: Do you have barcodes?

A: Yes, all Artmarks come with barcodes. 

Q: Do you have a minimum order?

A: We do not have a minimum order but recommend getting a least 4-6 selections of Artmarks, to start. This ensures all customers are accounted for and you get a feel for what your customers prefer.

  1. Jewelry Connector Artmark
  2. Dinosaur Artmark (Most popular/Attention grabber)
  3. Geode Artmark
  4. Fandom/Magical Artmark (Ex. Magical Door/Vampire)
  5. Charm
  6. Other Connector (Compass/Skull)

Q: What is the best way to display Artmarks?

A: Artmarks come in single 3x8 hanger bags. We also recommend to display a few on a book near by. They are a new product and many people want to handle the Artmarks themselves before purchase. 

Q: Will you help with set up and display?

A: Artmarks are displayed on 3X8 card-stock cards placed in hanger bags. We would love to help with design of display. Please email or call 262-994-7188 to request display help.

Q: When will I get my shipment?

A: All shipping is free! Shipment time depends on order size. Expect orders to ship 3 days to 2 weeks from purchase.

Q: Will Artmarks break, they look very delicate?

A: Like any jewelry, Artmarks can break. But, Artmarks are made with sturdy metals and reinforced with strong glues.

Q: What kind of customers can I expect to purchase Artmarks?

A: We have several types of customers we have made Artmarks for. One of the biggest purchasers are gift givers. Artmarks make great gifts! People often purchase Artmarks to give to a reader they know and love.  Since elastic bookmarks are new to the industry, several people will buy one to try and return to buy several. We have around an 85% repurchase rate on our retail website